البيت الآرامي العراقي

Sep. 05, 2017   	   Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered      Iraqi artifact Welcome2
Sep. 05, 2017   	   Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered      Iraqi artifact 619888zqg202ssdr
البيت الآرامي العراقي

Sep. 05, 2017   	   Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered      Iraqi artifact Welcome2
Sep. 05, 2017   	   Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered      Iraqi artifact 619888zqg202ssdr
البيت الآرامي العراقي
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البيت الآرامي العراقي

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 Sep. 05, 2017 Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered Iraqi artifact

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Dr.Hannani Maya
المشرف العام
المشرف العام
Dr.Hannani Maya

Sep. 05, 2017   	   Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered      Iraqi artifact Usuuus10
Sep. 05, 2017   	   Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered      Iraqi artifact 8-steps1a
الدولة : العراق
الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 61368
مزاجي : أحب المنتدى
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/09/2009
الابراج : الجوزاء
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : الأنترنيت والرياضة والكتابة والمطالعة

Sep. 05, 2017   	   Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered      Iraqi artifact Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Sep. 05, 2017 Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered Iraqi artifact   Sep. 05, 2017   	   Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered      Iraqi artifact Icon_minitime1الأربعاء 6 سبتمبر 2017 - 1:57

Sep. 05, 2017
Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered

Sep. 05, 2017   	   Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered      Iraqi artifact 05_E2_2
Iraqi artifacts. File photo.

اقتباس :
Mosul - Eight artifacts, stolen by Islamic State from Mosul museum, have been recovered after a displaced family returned them to police, an official said.
“A displaced family found pivotal artifacts as it returned back to house in al-Zanjili district. The relics were returned back to Federal Police elements deployed there,” Moss’ab Jassim, head of Nineveh monuments department, told Baghdad Today on Sunday.
The artifacts, according to Jassim, “were stolen by IS from Mosul museum while the city was under the group’s control.”
The group, which considered sculptures as symbols of infidelity, posted footage showing its members axing down priceless Assyrian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Persian and Roman artifacts, many of them two millennia old or older, drawing international condemnation. Reports later showed that some antiquities were sold out in online auctions.
In March, Iraqi troops took the museum back from the militants, leaving its collection in a sorry state.
Mosul museum, which was built in 1952, housed more than 2,000 artifacts. Officials gave conflicting accounts of how many militants were there when the group overran the city in 2014.
The victory in Mosul in July marked an end of an eight-month campaign backed by a U.S.-led coalition and paramilitary forces which has displaced more than 900.000 civilians.

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Sep. 05, 2017 Artifacts stolen by IS from Mosul museum recovered Iraqi artifact
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