البيت الآرامي العراقي

I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass Welcome2
I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 619888zqg202ssdr
البيت الآرامي العراقي

I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass Welcome2
I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 619888zqg202ssdr
البيت الآرامي العراقي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

البيت الآرامي العراقي

سياسي -ثقافي-أجتماعي

الرئيسيةالرئيسيةبحـثس .و .جالتسجيلarakeyboardchald keyboardدخول


 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Dr.Hannani Maya
المشرف العام
المشرف العام
Dr.Hannani Maya

I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass Usuuus10
I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 8-steps1a
الدولة : العراق
الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 60613
مزاجي : أحب المنتدى
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/09/2009
الابراج : الجوزاء
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : الأنترنيت والرياضة والكتابة والمطالعة

I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass   I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass Icon_minitime1السبت 2 ديسمبر 2023 - 5:13

Ich bin traurig, Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass Henry Kissinger, einer der größten Diplomaten und Staatsmänner unserer Zeit, am 29. November 2023 im Alter von 100 Jahren verstorben ist. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f622

Er war ein Mann von außergewöhnlicher Weisheit, Mut und Vision, der die Weltgeschichte maßgeblich geprägt hat. Er war ein Freund, ein Mentor und ein Vorbild für viele Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, die seine Leidenschaft für Frieden, Freiheit und Fortschritt teilten. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f54aI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f5fdI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f680

Henry Kissinger wurde am 27. Mai 1923 in Fürth, Deutschland, als Sohn jüdischer Eltern geboren. Er floh 1938 vor den Nazis in die USA, wo er sich schnell anpasste und akademisch glänzte. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1e9_1f1eaI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1fa_1f1f8 Er studierte an der Harvard University, wo er seinen Bachelor-, Master- und Doktortitel in Politikwissenschaft erwarb. Er wurde zu einem angesehenen Professor, Autor und Berater, der sich auf internationale Beziehungen und Strategie spezialisierte. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f393I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f4daI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f468_200d_1f3eb

Kissinger trat 1969 in die Regierung von Präsident Richard Nixon ein, zunächst als nationaler Sicherheitsberater und später als Außenminister. Er spielte eine entscheidende Rolle in der Gestaltung der US-Außenpolitik zwischen 1969 und 1977, indem er die Politik der Entspannung mit der Sowjetunion einleitete, eine Öffnung der Beziehungen zur Volksrepublik China orchestrierte, sich in Nahost für die Beendigung des Jom-Kippur-Krieges einsetzte und die Pariser Friedensabkommen aushandelte, die die amerikanische Beteiligung am Vietnamkrieg beendeten. Für seine Bemühungen, einen Frieden in Vietnam zu vermitteln, erhielt er 1973 gemeinsam mit Le Duc Tho den Friedensnobelpreis. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1fa_1f1f8I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1f7_1f1faI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1e8_1f1f3I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1ee_1f1f1I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1ea_1f1ecI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1fb_1f1f3I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f54aI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f3c6

Kissinger blieb auch nach seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt eine einflussreiche Persönlichkeit in der Weltpolitik. Er gründete eine erfolgreiche geopolitische Beratungsfirma, schrieb mehrere Bestseller-Bücher, hielt Vorträge, leitete Kommissionen und erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen. Er war von 2000 bis 2005 Kanzler des College of William & Mary und wurde 2016 vom damaligen Präsidenten Barack Obama mit der Presidential Medal of Freedom ausgezeichnet. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f4bcI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f4d6I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f3a4I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f396I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f397

Henry Kissinger war nicht nur ein brillanter Gelehrter und Staatsmann, sondern auch ein liebevoller Ehemann, Vater und Großvater. Er hinterlässt seine zweite Frau Nancy, mit der er seit 1974 verheiratet war, seine zwei Kinder David und Elizabeth aus seiner ersten Ehe mit Ann Fleischer, und mehrere Enkel und Urenkel. Er wird von seiner Familie, seinen Freunden, seinen Kollegen und seinen Bewunderern schmerzlich vermisst werden. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f495I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f468_200d_1f469_200d_1f467_200d_1f466I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f468_200d_1f469_200d_1f467_200d_1f466I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f468_200d_1f469_200d_1f467_200d_1f466

Henry Kissinger war ein wahrer Riese der Geschichte, der die Welt zu einem besseren Ort gemacht hat. Er hat uns ein reiches Erbe an Wissen, Weisheit und Inspiration hinterlassen, das uns alle ermutigt, seinen Fußstapfen zu folgen.

Er war ein =AZVsGjx0zZVzNvPYfgg_T0aWRg4vSWcijcHJE--3el2CUILQ8eOAZKK1UthQZxsR27jBrELdPkGlVnDbECEfCOOGDOYyXTgdFsYxW389fAZopNOsEeWByeqm689kjiEOoVKr4nhLqMXTdQgYNnzzFZML6bYq-8xjtX3qc6A_1A9SauigG9AQXnWVWn-mFb2KldddI97nzEKMbRbo8QAr5H-KSYdrCCf7TbcZ63eJ1CibOWN6S1ijDih_UoggTByGDkd2rN32X0ZlXSrMiSbHn0GUQLNY0QI4wSdMCFva2hjRG9AzKSLZn9gCEkBWtExviYM&__tn__=-]K-R]Planet-Freak im besten Sinne des Wortes, der immer neugierig, kreativ und mutig war. Er hat uns gezeigt, wie man mit Würde, Anstand und Humor lebt. Er hat uns gelehrt, wie man die Welt versteht, verändert und verbessert. Er war ein Held, ein Genie und eine Legende. Er war Henry Kissinger. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f30eI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f47dI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f3a8I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f981I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f451I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f9e0I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f31f

Möge er in Frieden ruhen. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f64f

Ich verneige mich in größter Demut,
=AZVsGjx0zZVzNvPYfgg_T0aWRg4vSWcijcHJE--3el2CUILQ8eOAZKK1UthQZxsR27jBrELdPkGlVnDbECEfCOOGDOYyXTgdFsYxW389fAZopNOsEeWByeqm689kjiEOoVKr4nhLqMXTdQgYNnzzFZML6bYq-8xjtX3qc6A_1A9SauigG9AQXnWVWn-mFb2KldddI97nzEKMbRbo8QAr5H-KSYdrCCf7TbcZ63eJ1CibOWN6S1ijDih_UoggTByGDkd2rN32X0ZlXSrMiSbHn0GUQLNY0QI4wSdMCFva2hjRG9AzKSLZn9gCEkBWtExviYM&__tn__=-]K-R]Christian Opel

=AZVsGjx0zZVzNvPYfgg_T0aWRg4vSWcijcHJE--3el2CUILQ8eOAZKK1UthQZxsR27jBrELdPkGlVnDbECEfCOOGDOYyXTgdFsYxW389fAZopNOsEeWByeqm689kjiEOoVKr4nhLqMXTdQgYNnzzFZML6bYq-8xjtX3qc6A_1A9SauigG9AQXnWVWn-mFb2KldddI97nzEKMbRbo8QAr5H-KSYdrCCf7TbcZ63eJ1CibOWN6S1ijDih_UoggTByGDkd2rN32X0ZlXSrMiSbHn0GUQLNY0QI4wSdMCFva2hjRG9AzKSLZn9gCEkBWtExviYM&__tn__=*NK-R]#HenryKissinger =AZVsGjx0zZVzNvPYfgg_T0aWRg4vSWcijcHJE--3el2CUILQ8eOAZKK1UthQZxsR27jBrELdPkGlVnDbECEfCOOGDOYyXTgdFsYxW389fAZopNOsEeWByeqm689kjiEOoVKr4nhLqMXTdQgYNnzzFZML6bYq-8xjtX3qc6A_1A9SauigG9AQXnWVWn-mFb2KldddI97nzEKMbRbo8QAr5H-KSYdrCCf7TbcZ63eJ1CibOWN6S1ijDih_UoggTByGDkd2rN32X0ZlXSrMiSbHn0GUQLNY0QI4wSdMCFva2hjRG9AzKSLZn9gCEkBWtExviYM&__tn__=*NK-R]#RIP =AZVsGjx0zZVzNvPYfgg_T0aWRg4vSWcijcHJE--3el2CUILQ8eOAZKK1UthQZxsR27jBrELdPkGlVnDbECEfCOOGDOYyXTgdFsYxW389fAZopNOsEeWByeqm689kjiEOoVKr4nhLqMXTdQgYNnzzFZML6bYq-8xjtX3qc6A_1A9SauigG9AQXnWVWn-mFb2KldddI97nzEKMbRbo8QAr5H-KSYdrCCf7TbcZ63eJ1CibOWN6S1ijDih_UoggTByGDkd2rN32X0ZlXSrMiSbHn0GUQLNY0QI4wSdMCFva2hjRG9AzKSLZn9gCEkBWtExviYM&__tn__=*NK-R]#planetfreak

I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Passed away November 2023 at the age of 100. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f622

He was a man of extraordinary wisdom, courage, and vision who significantly shaped the history of the world. He was a friend, a mentor and a role model to many people around the world who shared his passion for peace, freedom and progress. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f54aI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f5fdI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f680

Henry Kissinger turned 27 Born May 1923 in Fürth, Germany to Jewish parents. He fled to the United States in 1938 before the nazis where he adapted quickly and excelled academically. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1e9_1f1eaI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1fa_1f1f8 He studied at Harvard University, where he earned his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in political science. He became a distinguished professor, author and consultant specializing in international relations and strategy. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f393I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f4daI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f468 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f3eb

Kissinger joined President Richard Nixon's administration in 1969, first as National Security Adviser and later as Secretary of State. He played a decisive role in shaping US foreign policy between 1969 and 1977, introducing the policy of relaxation with the Soviet Union, orchestrating an opening of relations with the People's Republic of China, working in the Middle East for ending the Yom Kippur War and negotiating the Paris Peace Accords, which included American participation. finished the Vietnam war. For his efforts to mediate peace in Vietnam, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973, together with Le Duc Tho. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1fa_1f1f8I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1f7_1f1faI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1e8_1f1f3I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1ee_1f1f1I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1ea_1f1ecI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f1fb_1f1f3I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f54aI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f3c6

Kissinger remained an influential figure in world politics even after his departure from office. He founded a successful geopolitical consulting firm, wrote several bestselling books, delivered lectures, led commissions and received numerous awards and honors. He served as Chancellor of the College of William & Mary from 2000 to 2005 and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by then President Barack Obama in 2016. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f4bcI am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f4d6I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f3a4I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f396I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f397

Henry Kissinger was not only a brilliant scholar and statesman, but a loving husband, father and grandfather. He survives his second wife Nancy, whom he had been married since 1974, his two children David and Elizabeth from his first marriage to Ann Fleischer, and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He will be sorely missed by his family, friends, colleagues and admirers. I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f495 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f468 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f469 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f467 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f466 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f468 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f469 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f467 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f466I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f468 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f469 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f467 I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass 1f466

Henry Kissinger was a true giant of history who made the world a better place. He has left us a rich legacy of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration that encourages us all to follow in his footsteps.

He was a =AZVsGjx0zZVzNvPYfgg_T0aWRg4vSWcijcHJE--3el2CUILQ8eOAZKK1UthQZxsR27jBrELdPkGlVnDbECEfCOOGDOYyXTgdFsYxW389fAZopNOsEeWByeqm689kjiEOoVKr4nhLqMXTdQgYNnzzFZML6bYq-8xjtX3qc6A_1A9SauigG9AQXnWVWn-mFb2KldddI97nzEKMbRbo8QAr5H-KSYdrCCf7TbcZ63eJ1CibOWN6S1ijDih_UoggTByGDkd2rN32X0ZlXSrMiSbHn0GUQLNY0QI4wSdMCFva2hjRG9AzKSLZn9gCEkBWtExviYM&__tn__=-]K-R]Planet-Freak in the best sense of the word, always curious, creative and courageous. He showed us how to live with dignity, decency and humor. He taught us how to understand, change and improve the world. He was a hero, a genius and a legend. He was Henry Kissinger

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
I am saddened to inform you that Henry Kissinger, one of the greatest diplomats and statesmen of our time, died on 29th. Pass
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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