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What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18,   2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C Welcome2
What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18,   2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C 619888zqg202ssdr
البيت الآرامي العراقي

What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18,   2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C Welcome2
What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18,   2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C 619888zqg202ssdr
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 What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18, 2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C

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Dr.Hannani Maya
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المشرف العام
Dr.Hannani Maya

What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18,   2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C Usuuus10
What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18,   2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C 8-steps1a
الدولة : العراق
الجنس : ذكر
عدد المساهمات : 61104
مزاجي : أحب المنتدى
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/09/2009
الابراج : الجوزاء
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : الأنترنيت والرياضة والكتابة والمطالعة

What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18,   2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18, 2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C   What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18,   2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C Icon_minitime1الثلاثاء 18 يونيو 2024 - 20:18

What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic?
Jun. 18, 2024


The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of Catholicism.
In the United States we tend to equate being “Catholic” with being “Roman Catholic.” We may never meet any other type of Catholic in our entire lives.
However, being “Catholic” can take several different forms and depends on the region and customs of several distinct Christian communities. In all, there are three primary liturgical families in the Catholic Church, which correspond to ancient Christian Churches. From these Churches sprung numerous local traditions and rites. For a handy chart that helps visualize the concept, check out this one.
The liturgy of the Latin Rite is the most widely known in the world as this group consists of the vast majority of Catholics. Within the Latin Rite is the Roman Rite, which includes liturgical traditions from the Church of Rome. This Church and its traditions spread throughout Western Europe and on to the New World of the Americas. There are several other Latin Rites that developed over time in various religious orders and local regions in Europe.
There are more than a dozen different traditions that sprung out of the traditions from the Church of Antioch, the first Christian community founded by St. Peter the Apostle. The two primary Rites within this family are the Byzantine and Maronite Rites. The Byzantine branch of rites incorporate a variation of the liturgy developed for the Imperial Church based in Constantinople. At the time the location was also called “Byzantium” and later the Byzantine Empire.


Philip kosloski
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What does it mean to be “Roman” Catholic? Jun. 18, 2024 ROME The Latin Rite is just one of many liturgical expressions of C
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